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Caley Ladies Green.jpeg

Founded in 1891 Hamilton Caledonian Bowling Club has been at the heart of the community in Hamilton for over 125 Years  

Our doors are open to players of all ages and experience, you'll always find a warm welcome.


Become a member today

Joining is simple, just download our Membership Form.

Would you like to Try Bowls?

Would you like to

  • Improve your Mental Health?

  • Enjoy gentle Exercise?

  • Learn a new Sport suitable for all age groups?

  • Spend more time Outdoors?

  • Meet People and make New Friends?

Then why not try the game of Lawn Bowls? 

Here at The Caley, we have two of the best greens in Lanarkshire & are seeking to encourage new members of ALL AGES to join us.


Lots of new members joined the club this year after coming along to our TRY BOWLS day on the 20th of May 

If you missed it, you are still warmly welcome to come along and give it a go. Contact us at and we'll make arrangements with someone to contact you to meet-up at the club & give it a go.
Just bring flat shoes or trainers & bowls will be supplied.


You can find us at the roundabout at the Hamilton end of the Motherwell Road and we look forward to seeing you.

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